By Alex Mandossian
When it comes to web search, Goggle is the engine of choice for most people. But for the computer desktop search, I use Windows desktop search because it′s integrated into my operating system.
I can ask Windows search to find everything related to “Big Seminar 6,” and it will find PowerPoint slides, e-mails, and documents and group it in one area. Search is integrated entirely in the desktop.
Right now, there is no way to search for voice recognition. Yet podcasts are tagged with meta tags.
What if Microsoft integrated meta tag searches into the Windows desktop search? I could use my Windows search to search for “all the podcasts that Alex Mandossian spoke in,” and it would search through all the podcasts archived on my computer with that meta tag.
Even more powerful would be integrating MSN search to search through podcasts′ meta tags online and find all the podcasts across the web that contain the keywords you are searching for.
Three Options
I see these three areas where Microsoft could meet a need in the podcasting market and really establish itself as a dominant force.
All these options require someone who has servers, major web destinations, and access to the desktop. These are the types of things that only somebody like Microsoft could do.
We have no idea what direction Microsoft is going to go in, but these are certainly some very viable ideas that I would love to see them pursue.
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