Phase #3: Subscriptions
In my last blog, I talked about the first 2 phases of information distribution via the Internet.
The first 2 were surfing and searching. The third is subscribing.
When I talk about subscribing, I′m talking about opting in to information from a specific source that we know, like, trust and respect.
Enter the world of RSS, or “real simple syndication.”
RSS is a file that provides new content at a website. RSS aggregators grab different feeds and combine them in one place.
Podcasts are sent out via RSS. When you subscribe to an RSS feed for a podcast, your aggregator checks periodically for new content. If there’s something new, it retrieves it. Now it′s at your fingertips.
For example, in the old days, I bookmarked 30 or 40 different websites. Going through those daily would take me over an hour of frustrating surfing. I certainly have better things to do with my time.
But now I can use a service like Bloglines, a web-based service that lets users subscribe to any website that has RSS.
All the website news I want is categorized, and it comes to me automatically. No more wasted time.
I have a folder for podcasts from the 20 or so websites that I know, like and trust. I include files such as “what′s new in ‘podcasting’,” “what′s new in ‘affiliate’ marketing” and “what′s new in ‘traditional’ marketing.”
Then I have my fun folder than contains files such as: “what′s new in geek,” “what′s new in movies.”
By going to just one website, I get exactly what I want – updated, new content in the subjects I′m interested in.
Now I′m in charge. No more surfing. No more searching. I′m getting the news that I want, delivered right to my computer.
Now that′s evolution.
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