In episode #32 of Marketing Online Live, Paul and I discussed the fact that podcasting isn′t just “audio,” especially now with the Video iPod.
This means that anyone who subscribes to our content can receive any type of media through the podcast channel.
iTunes has embraced this by setting up little icons for different media.
They have the monitor icon if it′s a video or the icon that looks like a page if the media is a PDF file.
So the concept of shooting whatever media you want down the channel is definitely coming.
I′m not very excited about the ability to consume this concept though, as you need a very big screen on an iPod to read a PDF file.
I did an interview while I was in Asia with the biggest Asian news networks in Singapore, and they were raving about being able to send news via SMS, or Short Message Service, which is the ability to send short messages to and from mobile phones.
I thought that was a great idea. It′s immediate and it′s newsworthy. However, other than stock prices, I don′t think I′d be reading the latest news on my phone because the screen is so tiny.
So, shooting it and catching it are one thing – consuming it is something completely different.
Although I′ve been very excited about the fact we can shoot PDF files, consumption of that kind of information has to goes back to the computer by plugging it in and printing it out just so we can actually read the information.
That differs from seeing video and from listening, which is still my favorite form of consumption because you can do it during down time.
I think we have a way to go before downloading PDF′s on phones or iPods becomes the norm.
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