Foreword: One of the dominant behavioral traits of history’s most successful Entrepreneurial CEOs is: tenacity.
When you look it up in any dictionary you’ll soon discover that it’s typically defined with two-word combinations such as: persistent determination, stubborn perseverance and unrelenting doggedness.
Anytime a behavioral trait like that requires an adjective and a noun to be defined accurately, it’s something I enjoy looking into … and that’s why this month’s “Tenacity Spotlight” is on Walt Disney.
Biographer Dr. Gene Landrum reports, “Creative geniuses [Read more…]
Get More Promotional Impact with FAQ Templates
If you want to capture more online sales faster, better and with the least amount of human effort … then I encourage you to develop FAQ templates.
Adding FAQ sections to your websites and other marketing communications are often your very best automated sales tools that consistently and repeatedly capture more sales by minimizing resistence.
Having an FAQ is a time-proven way to train your sales team to overcome prospect objections.
Glossary: An “FAQ” section stands for “Frequently Asked Questions” and it’s a powerful promotional tool utilized with autoresponders, websites, direct mail, teleseminars and other types of marketing