If you are into Article Marketing and are not using Twitter to repurpose your articles, you are missing out on a flood of good stuff.
With that notion in mind, here are the Top 7 Reasons to Repurpose Your Articles on Twitter
1. Extends Your Reach – Extending your reach means to get your marketing message and influence in front of as many eyes as possible. When you publicize your articles on Twitter, you are not only reaching those who are following you, you are also reaching everyone that follows each person who follows you – your reach rapidly multiplies.
2. It’s Helpful – When you are having conversations there and you see a question where one of your articles could help, you are being very helpful to someone when you refer them to you article(s). How’s that for upping the “know, like and trust” factor.
3. Ups Your Expert Status – Mentioning your articles and using them to answer questions increases your expert status in the eyes of the public. Because this is such a new frontier, there is still time for most of you to get in and establish your expert territory in your niche.
4. It’s Social – One of the rules in Social Marketing is to be 80% Social and 20% Marketing. When you are being helpful with your articles, you are being social while you are marketing.
5. Immediate Response – In many ways Twitter is like Mass Instant Messaging – you get an instant response from many people. And, many internet marketers are beginning to notice that their Twitter list is many times more responsive than their email list.
6. Multiple Opportunities – If you send out more than one message a day to your email list, you are going to get people unsubscribing in droves. Here you can send out multiple 140 character marketing messages in one day. In fact, I encourage you to, because your followers are on at different times of the day.
7. It’s Automatic – You can set up your EzineArticles.com account to automatically repurpose your brand new articles onto Twitter. Just log in to your EzineArticles.com account, go to Profile Manager, then Edit Author Bio, then enter your User Name and Pass Word from Twitter. When this article is publishing, it will automatically show up on Twitter without me lifting a finger.
Bonus Tip – As I began to write this article, I sent out a message on Twitter telling everyone I was working on this article and to watch for it. I immediately got back responses from folks asking me to be sure to let them know when it was out. You can do the same thing.
7 Reasons to Repurpose Twitter Articles
If you are into Article Marketing and are not using Twitter to repurpose your articles, you are missing out on a flood of good stuff.
With that notion in mind, here are the Top 7 Reasons to Repurpose Your Articles on Twitter
1. Extends Your Reach – Extending your reach means to get your marketing message and influence in front of as many eyes as possible. When you publicize your articles on Twitter, you are not only reaching those who are following you, you are also reaching everyone that follows each person who follows you – your reach rapidly multiplies.
2. It’s Helpful – When you are having conversations there and you see a question where one of your articles could help, you are being very helpful to someone when you refer them to you article(s). How’s that for upping the “know, like and trust” factor.
3. Ups Your Expert Status – Mentioning your articles and using them to answer questions increases your expert status in the eyes of the public. Because this is such a new frontier, there is still time for most of you to get in and establish your expert territory in your niche.
4. It’s Social – One of the rules in Social Marketing is to be 80% Social and 20% Marketing. When you are being helpful with your articles, you are being social while you are marketing.
5. Immediate Response – In many ways Twitter is like Mass Instant Messaging – you get an instant response from many people. And, many internet marketers are beginning to notice that their Twitter list is many times more responsive than their email list.
6. Multiple Opportunities – If you send out more than one message a day to your email list, you are going to get people unsubscribing in droves. Here you can send out multiple 140 character marketing messages in one day. In fact, I encourage you to, because your followers are on at different times of the day.
7. It’s Automatic – You can set up your EzineArticles.com account to automatically repurpose your brand new articles onto Twitter. Just log in to your EzineArticles.com account, go to Profile Manager, then Edit Author Bio, then enter your User Name and Pass Word from Twitter. When this article is publishing, it will automatically show up on Twitter without me lifting a finger.
Bonus Tip – As I began to write this article, I sent out a message on Twitter telling everyone I was working on this article and to watch for it. I immediately got back responses from folks asking me to be sure to let them know when it was out. You can do the same thing.
And you can also claim your FREE Instant Access to a 30 minute Audio Replay of a TeleSeminar all about how to “Tweet Your Articles” when you visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com/articletweeting
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