Article Marketing is the number one source of free traffic on the Internet if you get your Resource Box right. Get this one wrong and you have wasted all your time. Get this one right and you have got it made!
What a Resource Box really is
Call it a Resource Box, Author Bio, etc., what it really is is your opportunity to create a compelling call to action for your reader.
Even though it is called an Author Bio, it is not the time for you to tell the reader all about you and convince them you are an expert. In fact, if you have not demonstrated that you are an expert in your article, it is way to late to try to do it now.
Even though it is an official Call to Action, I like to teach my students and members to use what I call “invitational language” in their Resource Box. Invitational language can be something as simple as “and now I would like to invite you to…” and then name the next action you would like them to take.
This is as opposed to something like “get this great new product now and all your problems will be solved by morning and if you don’t you will be broke forever!”
Sure I’ve exaggerated a bit, but not by much.
Here’s how to do it
You want the Resource Box to
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