As the new year is creeping up on us, it makes sense to start thinking about your high-concept goals (resolutions) for 2011. My “high-concept” goal has a lot to do with a little-known quote by Socrates.
(I reveal the quote in the “Comments” section at the bottom of the post … and in case you’re wondering who the person is pictured to your left … it is Socrates).
My good friend Darren Hardy is the publisher of Success Magazine and on page 72 of his new book, The Compound Effect, he reveals an immutable truth about goal-setting that’s worth exploring. He writes:
“When most people set out to achieve new goals, they ask, ‘Okay, I have my goal; now what do I need to DO to get it?’ It’s not a bad question, but it’s not the first question that needs to be addressed either.
The question we should be asking ourselves is: ‘Who do I need to become?’ You probably know some people who seem to do all the right things, but still don’t produce the results they want, right?”
I completely agree with Darren. Like the defining moment when water turns into steam, the achiever’s physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual chemistry must change in order to carve the new path to positive and permanent change.
Zig Ziglar says, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” And of course there’s Mahatma Gandhi’s admonition: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Okay, so if BEING more consistently causes permanent change than DOING, what’s the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to BE THE CHANGE in your personal and professional life?
From my own experience, it comes down to these 3 simple steps:
- Find a meaningful quote from a thought leader you admire and respect
- Print in a big font size to fill the entire sheet of paper (landscape layout)
- Make 5 copies and post the sheets in locations pass by often each day
Fair Warning: These 3 steps are so simple, I’ve seen many of my students roll their eyes and tell me, “C’mon … is that all there is to it?”
My answer is YES.
You see, making a positive and permanent change in any part of your life requires nothing more than practicing a small set of principles over a long period of time.
That’s why it’s critical to post your “BE QUOTE” in strategic locations you pass by frequently such as your bathroom mirror, your dresser, your PC screen, your frig and your car are ideal spots.
I believe this simple, yet powerful strategy to making change works for two reasons. First, because it’s a quote by a thought leader who is someone your truly admire and respect. Second, because you see it again and again each day.
What To Do Now:
Right now while it’s still fresh on your mind, take a moment (or a day) to think about and choose the ONE QUOTE that you want to become and live into – your “BE QUOTE” for 2011.
Please comment and share at the bottom of this post … I’ve already listed the quote I intend to BE in 2011, so now it’s your turn. Go for it … even if it seems a little silly or feels a bit uncomfortable.
This simple exercise is a unique and fun way to declare your New Year’s Resolution publicly so you and others can hold you accountable to BE first, then DO.
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