You’ll be stunned to see the credit score secrets my friend Philip Tirone exposed when he went undercover into a major bank with his Spy Cam. Tirone wanted to see whether bankers knew the correct information about how to build a credit score. Click here to see the video.
The long and short of it is this: they don’t. The very people who are supposed to help you get a loan have not been trained to tell you how to qualify for the best interest rates. This banker was even wrong about how credit cards impact a score.
And Tirone told me that he asked another banker to explain the facts about bankruptcy and how it affects credit. Guess what? That banker was way off the mark, too!
Philip Tirone teaches how banks legally rob you, thinks this video is evidence that the banks intentionally refrain from training their employees about the credit-scoring systems. If these credit score secrets were disclosed, you might increase your credit score and receive lower interest rates.
On the other hand, if the banks do not disclose any credit-building tips, they can continue charging ultra-high interest rates. What do you think about this video? Please comment and share this post.
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Yup! New ideas are what have worked best for me too….