Boosting productivity with conversion involves three incredible and uniquely simple questions, which make good websites great.
You may have seen this e-book before, but if not, I encourage you to print it out and study it closely.
What is conversion? Conversion to me means turning prospects into customers and customers into evangelists or raving fans.
To turn a suspect into a prospect means to get an opt-in. This is when someone gives you their name and email address.
Turning a prospect into a customer means they’re buying something from you.
Then to turn them into a raving fan means they keep buying again and again, which raises their lifetime value.
Learn more about the process below:
What has worked best for you on your website? Let’s start a discussion on different techniques that have worked or haven’t worked, and the reasons behind why they did or didn’t. Leave your comments in the Facebook Comments section below. Thank you!
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