If you teach at seminars, workshops and Inner Circle gatherings, then you want to take advantage of the power of the Action Guide principle.
Click here if you’re in a hurry to watch, comment and share the video.
I’m writing here from my own experience when I say, “Action Guides accelerate the learning of your students, clients, patients or customers!”
Do what it takes to invest your time and money to create and get Action Guides into the hands of your audiences and the watch your sales and profits will grow!
I give my students Action Guides even when there are thousands in the room such as Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials events. Click here to learn more about Peak Potentials and why their events have so much impact for lifelong learners.
If you attend seminars, then you already know how any speaker who takes the time, energy and makes the investment to put an Action Guide into your handswill boost and cement your retention on the content being taught.
At this point, you may be saying to yourself: [Read more…]
The AM TeleSeminar Club – 5 Success Factors
By now you are familiar with the Student-Affiliate-Partner Process that is available to students of Alex Mandossian.
The typical process takes three years. Some do it in less time – the shortest so far is 3 weeks. By taking action on what I learned in Teleseminar Secrets I was able to do it in 3 quarters and now Alex Mandossian and I are Strategic Alliance Partners.
On Wednesday night March 25th at 6pm PT/9pm ET Alex and I will be holding our second Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar.
Click here to get the Phone number and Passcode and you may tell up to two friends. You can also www.TweetwithAlex.com and enter #AMTClub … even if you’re not registered with Twitter.
What’s an Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar? [Read more…]