If you’re an info marketer who wants to maximize income with the minimal human effort, then finding a good virtual assistant is critical.
Start with an Intern. Internships should last from 30 to 90 days until you have a comfort level with each other. And that Intern’s job may be checking your emails (SAVES YOU TIME), managing and editing content (SAVES YOU TIME), phone calls to new buyers of your info products (SAVES YOU TIME), or any number of tasks you do now.
My Interns work on a “trial” basis (no cost to me) and learn and learn and learn all about my info marketing business. If after 90 days, the Intern and I feel a high comfort and trust level, I hire him or her on a part-time basis … then later full-time.
Every PA (Personal Assistant) I’ve ever hired has gone through this process and some have become JV (joint venture) Partners. Here are the 3 Steps: Step 1: Learn & Learn (Internship) Step 2: Earn & Learn (Paid Assistant) Step 3: Earn & Earn (JV Partner).
It’s really that simple once you decide you want to make more money, faster, better and with the least amount of human effort. One last thing: The best character trait to look for in a good PA is “common sense.” Nothing is more important than “common sense” in the information marketing business … or any business for that matter :-)
~ Alex Mandossian
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