Digital Rights Management, or DRM, is an umbrella term that refers to several technical methods used to control or restrict the use of digital media content of electronic devices.
Basically, this is a way to keep consumers from copying content by making it inconvenient.
It′s what Steve Jobs had to employ to ensure the success of the iTunes store. DRM is the very technology that launched the iPod revolution. People wanted a safe way to broadcast their content without fear of theft.
The question is, “Is this the future of all online audio and video content?” Specifically, “Is DRM a must for premium podcasts?” Almost all download music media sites use DRM.
We don′t know where the future of premium podcast is going to go because it hasn′t gone there yet. Some groups like Audible say that spoken work content – premium podcasting – absolutely must use DRM. Others, like Rush Limbaugh, don′t use it at all. Nightingale-Conant and the Chautauqua Institution provide their websites′ MP3s without DRM. MyAffiliateGuy podcasts do so as well.
DRM is tightly integrated into some players like the Apple iPod. Others, like the Arcos line, have absolutely no DRM at all, and those from Creative, the MuVo line, and all the PlaysForSure products have some DRM, some unlocking.