Imagine if you could sell all of your seminars, CDs and books on one little iPod for, say, $4997. Then you charge a subscription fee for people to receive new material as you create it. Think about it.Who wouldn’t want all that shelf space back?Who wouldn’t want the ease and simplicity of one little unit you can carry anywhere to get the information you want anytime?Who wouldn’t love to walk the dog, work out, or go for a drive an have instant access rather than being tied to a computer or bulky CD or cassette player?It’s genius! Imagine if you had the Tony Robbins iPod, the Robert Allen iPod, the Mark Victor Hansen iPod….And it doesn’t stop there. You could have spiritual books, classics, language tutorials and more. You could have “Men are From Mars Women are From Venus” by John Gray on an iPod, works by Deepak Chopra, Henry David Thoreau, and just about anyone you can think of. You could then categorize your iPods according to topic, “Classics”, “Spiritual”, “Business”, “Leadership”, and so on.
Face it, music is fleeting. For most people, they’re fed up with the same song after hearing it just a few times. But how many times do you reread classics like, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill or “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie? Over and over again. Podcasting is here to stay.
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