Give yourself an “empty” gift to start-off the New Year.
It starts off “empty” at the beginning of the year, and then it gets filled once you′ve decided to record your new ideas and observations during the year. It’s the single most valuable gift you can give yourself this Holiday Season.
I call this gift my “Idea Journal.” It′s a “perfect bound” empty notebook that′s just waiting to get filled with your random thoughts and anecdotes on a weekly or even daily basis.
If I ever wonder about what I′ve accomplished during the year, I grab my Idea Journal and flip open a few pages and there I see ideas that have come to fruition. It′s a great confidence builder for me … and it usually floods me with gratitude.
You can do the same for yourself in 2008.
Somewhere, in one of Mahatma Gandhi′s Idea Journals, he wrote: “My life is my message.” It is thus my hope that you treat yourself this New Year with your own “Idea Journal” so too will enjoy your legacy of new ideas while you′re still living.
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