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CASE STUDY: The “Irresistible Rebate” Offer
By Alex Mandossian
Since 2001, I’ve utilized an electronic marketing methodology (combined with “offline” direct mail) called the Irresistible Rebate Offer.
Click here to see a winning example of an Irresistibe Rebate Offer with my good friend and colleague, Brendon Burchard. This promotional method works fast, it’s reliable and very, very easy to execute.
Background: Brendon asked me to promote his “Big Tent” event with internationally best-selling authors, Marianne Williamson, John Gray and world-renowned wealth coach, Bill Harris.
I originally declined as an Affiliate – despite the 90% commission I’d receive on each $97 ticket I sold – because I couldn’t physically attend the event. (I typically don’t promote events that I cannot personally attend – it’s one of my JV criteria).
But then later I decided to assist Brendon and promote his world-class event – if and only if – he agreed to handle the logistics of my Irresistible Rebate Offer you can experience right now on a “recorded live” Audio Billboard. He did agree :-)
As you’ll discover listening to the Audio Billboard, anyone who registers at will get a $90 rebate check from Brendon one week after the event is over, with a handwritten note on the “memo line” that says: You deserve more clarity.
The 3-day Big Tent Event takes place September 26, 27th and 28th (2008). Brendon calls it “social theatre” because it combines the “skills tranfer” power of Tony Robbins with “theatrical presentation” power of Cirque de Soleil.
This unconvential marketing tactic (the rebate offer) is – bar none – the fastest, easiest an most reliable way I know to boost the pulling power of the strategic alliance promotions and joint venture projects I do.
Your rebate offer sacrifices short-term profits in exchange for long-term wealth with your students, colleagues and future strategic alliance partners. In other words, you take one step back in order to take two steps forward in the near future.
How It Works: The irresistible rebate offer accelerates buying motivation from your teleseminar listeners and website visitors, especially from skeptical prospect who have never purchased before! That’s why it is irresisitible.
But what has the most profound emotional impact on these same (never-purchased-before) prospects is getting a their rebates checks in the mail a week or two after the event (also works on virtual events).
Case Study Overview
The Offer: Access to Brendon Burchard’s “Big Tent” Seminar with Marrianne Williamson, John Gray and Bill Harris for the lowest possible cash-outlay – $7 – after rebate.
The Ethical Bribe: Alex’s Affiliate commission $87.30 + $2.70 (added by Brendon Burchard for more irresistibility) that equals a $90 cash rebate check mailed back to ANY $97 participant who registers at at least 3 days before the event begins.
The Actionizer: Limited to the first 250 people who take action are eligible for the rebate. Key Point – I didn’t make this very clear in the original email and I think it will prove to supress response as a result.
… my bad … :-(
The Process: A ”text” email invitation (click here to see it) sent out on Friday, September 12th with a an Audio Billboard call-to-action (CTA) which you may click here to see and hear.
The Results: Within 24 hours of the initial email invitation, over a dozen people signed up and are bringing guests, and I expect over 100 people (with guests) will register before the event begins … especially those who are within driving distance ;-)
By doing so you’re eligible to attend Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar (September 26th, 27th and 28th) for the lowest cash-outlay possible – $7 … after cash rebate.
Thank you for reading and please leave your comments and invite a friend or colleague to read this post. Your referral and courtesy will be most appreciated.
CASE STUDY: The “Irresistible Rebate” Offer
Click here to see a winning example of an Irresistibe Rebate Offer with my good friend and colleague, Brendon Burchard. This promotional method works fast, it’s reliable and very, very easy to execute.
Background: Brendon asked me to promote his “Big Tent” event with internationally best-selling authors, Marianne Williamson, John Gray and world-renowned wealth coach, Bill Harris.
I originally declined as an Affiliate – despite the 90% commission I’d receive on each $97 ticket I sold – because I couldn’t physically attend the event. (I typically don’t promote events that I cannot personally attend – it’s one of my JV criteria).
But then later I decided to assist Brendon and promote his world-class event – if and only if – he agreed to handle the logistics of my Irresistible Rebate Offer you can experience right now on a “recorded live” Audio Billboard. He did agree :-)
As you’ll discover listening to the Audio Billboard, anyone who registers at will get a $90 rebate check from Brendon one week after the event is over, with a handwritten note on the “memo line” that says: You deserve more clarity.
The 3-day Big Tent Event takes place September 26, 27th and 28th (2008). Brendon calls it “social theatre” because it combines the “skills tranfer” power of Tony Robbins with “theatrical presentation” power of Cirque de Soleil.
This unconvential marketing tactic (the rebate offer) is – bar none – the fastest, easiest an most reliable way I know to boost the pulling power of the strategic alliance promotions and joint venture projects I do.
Your rebate offer sacrifices short-term profits in exchange for long-term wealth with your students, colleagues and future strategic alliance partners. In other words, you take one step back in order to take two steps forward in the near future.
How It Works: The irresistible rebate offer accelerates buying motivation from your teleseminar listeners and website visitors, especially from skeptical prospect who have never purchased before! That’s why it is irresisitible.
But what has the most profound emotional impact on these same (never-purchased-before) prospects is getting a their rebates checks in the mail a week or two after the event (also works on virtual events).
Case Study Overview
The Offer: Access to Brendon Burchard’s “Big Tent” Seminar with Marrianne Williamson, John Gray and Bill Harris for the lowest possible cash-outlay – $7 – after rebate.
The Ethical Bribe: Alex’s Affiliate commission $87.30 + $2.70 (added by Brendon Burchard for more irresistibility) that equals a $90 cash rebate check mailed back to ANY $97 participant who registers at at least 3 days before the event begins.
The Actionizer: Limited to the first 250 people who take action are eligible for the rebate. Key Point – I didn’t make this very clear in the original email and I think it will prove to supress response as a result.
… my bad … :-(
The Process: A ”text” email invitation (click here to see it) sent out on Friday, September 12th with a an Audio Billboard call-to-action (CTA) which you may click here to see and hear.
The Results: Within 24 hours of the initial email invitation, over a dozen people signed up and are bringing guests, and I expect over 100 people (with guests) will register before the event begins … especially those who are within driving distance ;-)
If you’re reading this before Brendon’s “Big Tent” event, then I recommend you get registered by clicking here now.
By doing so you’re eligible to attend Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar (September 26th, 27th and 28th) for the lowest cash-outlay possible – $7 … after cash rebate.
Thank you for reading and please leave your comments and invite a friend or colleague to read this post. Your referral and courtesy will be most appreciated.
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