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The “Magic Formula” Revisited
By Alex Mandossian
Whether you want to improve your marketing communications with the spoken or written word, I believe one formula – The Magic Formula – is your fastest, easiest and most reliable tool to influence more prospects and customers.
The Magic Formula was first developed by Dale Carnegie and in three simple steps it’s everything you need to know to become an incredibly poised, polished and masterful communicator – online or offline!
Here’s the formula in its simplest form:
STEP 1: Incident – What specific incident inspired the purpose surrounding of your topic?
STEP 2: Action – What specific action do you want your listener/reader to take?
STEP 3: Benefit – What specific benefits will your listeners/readers gain as a result of taking action?
It doesn’t matter if you’ve read How To Win Friends And Influence People or if you want to become a professional speaker. Carnegie’s Magic Formula is time-tested to hold any audience’s attention from the first time you utilize it.
The formula is practical communication tool that ensures immediate action taken by your listeners/readers. Make it your secret to begin to dramatically improve the pulling-power of your websites, teleseminars and online videos.
You’ll be surprised and even thrilled by how frequently you find yourself reaching for this powerful technique to help you achieve your goals faster and boost the impact of your personal influence.
The “Magic Formula” Revisited
The Magic Formula was first developed by Dale Carnegie and in three simple steps it’s everything you need to know to become an incredibly poised, polished and masterful communicator – online or offline!
Here’s the formula in its simplest form:
It doesn’t matter if you’ve read How To Win Friends And Influence People or if you want to become a professional speaker. Carnegie’s Magic Formula is time-tested to hold any audience’s attention from the first time you utilize it.
The formula is practical communication tool that ensures immediate action taken by your listeners/readers. Make it your secret to begin to dramatically improve the pulling-power of your websites, teleseminars and online videos.
You’ll be surprised and even thrilled by how frequently you find yourself reaching for this powerful technique to help you achieve your goals faster and boost the impact of your personal influence.
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