Almost every entrepreneur I know begins doing business with a daily ritual.
Many of my colleagues read of the local newspaper. Others watch the morning news on CNN. And many others simply close their eyes and meditate for about 20 minutes.
I have no idea what you do or if you even have a daily ritual, but today I want to “part the curtain” on what I believe is the single most important activity I do to start my day.
It’s a simple 20-minute business ritual that inspires and motivates me to face any business challenge head-on and helps me to generate new ideas and innovations with little effort.
My Morning Ritual: At about 7:30am (Pacific Time) , I grab my PC mouse, fire-up my browser and punch-in the URL to a very special website where I can watch, listen and learn from the world’s most celebrated thought leaders.
With a few clicks of my mouse, I’ve got free instant access to speeches delivered by amazing presenters ranging from former U.S. President, Bill Clinton to Nobel laureates such as James D. Watson, Murray Gell-Mann, and Al Gore.
As I click around, I can also access speeches delivered by Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and even best-selling authors like Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell and Barry Schwartz.
Click here to visit that very special website I’m talking about…
It’s not Google. It’s not Yahoo. And it’s not even Facebook or Twitter. It’s the TED Talks List site and I consider it to be a “virtual paradise” for anyone interested in personal growth or human potential.
What is TED? “TED” stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design” and it is an annual conference that defines its mission as “ideas worth spreading”. The lectures are typically limited to about 20 minutes and are called TED Talks.
TED was founded by Richard Saul Wurman and Harry Marks in 1984, and has been held annually since 1990. Wurman left after the 2002 conference and event is now hosted by Chris Anderson.
TED Conferences are by invitation only. If you’re fortunate enough to get invited, the annual membership fee is about $6K, which includes attendance of the conference, club mailings, networking tools and conference DVDs.
I haven’t yet attended a TED Conference, but one of my lifetime goals is to be invited to speak on stage.
Until that remarkable day comes, I will continue to experience my daily ritual watching one 20-minute dose of the most courageous, inspiring, fascinating and jaw-dropping talks on earth.
Here are four of my favorites:
Click here to view a courageous speech by Bill Gates.
Click here to view an inspiring speech by Newton Aduaka.
Click here to view a fascinating speech by Vilayanur Ramachandran.
Click here to view a jaw-dropping speech by Carolyn Porco.
What To Do Now: At this moment, you have free instant access to over 370 TED Talks for your online viewing. I encourage you to make TED Talks a part of your daily business ritual, like I do.
These presentations take about 20 minutes out of your day, but what you’ll discover and learn may last you a lifetime.
(As of January 2009, TED Talks were viewed over 90 million times by more than 15 million people).
A Great Way To Start Your Day
Many of my colleagues read of the local newspaper. Others watch the morning news on CNN. And many others simply close their eyes and meditate for about 20 minutes.
I have no idea what you do or if you even have a daily ritual, but today I want to “part the curtain” on what I believe is the single most important activity I do to start my day.
It’s a simple 20-minute business ritual that inspires and motivates me to face any business challenge head-on and helps me to generate new ideas and innovations with little effort.
My Morning Ritual: At about 7:30am (Pacific Time) , I grab my PC mouse, fire-up my browser and punch-in the URL to a very special website where I can watch, listen and learn from the world’s most celebrated thought leaders.
With a few clicks of my mouse, I’ve got free instant access to speeches delivered by amazing presenters ranging from former U.S. President, Bill Clinton to Nobel laureates such as James D. Watson, Murray Gell-Mann, and Al Gore.
As I click around, I can also access speeches delivered by Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and even best-selling authors like Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell and Barry Schwartz.
Click here to visit that very special website I’m talking about…
It’s not Google. It’s not Yahoo. And it’s not even Facebook or Twitter. It’s the TED Talks List site and I consider it to be a “virtual paradise” for anyone interested in personal growth or human potential.
What is TED? “TED” stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design” and it is an annual conference that defines its mission as “ideas worth spreading”. The lectures are typically limited to about 20 minutes and are called TED Talks.
TED was founded by Richard Saul Wurman and Harry Marks in 1984, and has been held annually since 1990. Wurman left after the 2002 conference and event is now hosted by Chris Anderson.
TED Conferences are by invitation only. If you’re fortunate enough to get invited, the annual membership fee is about $6K, which includes attendance of the conference, club mailings, networking tools and conference DVDs.
I haven’t yet attended a TED Conference, but one of my lifetime goals is to be invited to speak on stage.
Until that remarkable day comes, I will continue to experience my daily ritual watching one 20-minute dose of the most courageous, inspiring, fascinating and jaw-dropping talks on earth.
Here are four of my favorites:
Click here to view a courageous speech by Bill Gates.
Click here to view an inspiring speech by Newton Aduaka.
Click here to view a fascinating speech by Vilayanur Ramachandran.
Click here to view a jaw-dropping speech by Carolyn Porco.
What To Do Now: At this moment, you have free instant access to over 370 TED Talks for your online viewing. I encourage you to make TED Talks a part of your daily business ritual, like I do.
These presentations take about 20 minutes out of your day, but what you’ll discover and learn may last you a lifetime.
(As of January 2009, TED Talks were viewed over 90 million times by more than 15 million people).
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