By now you are familiar with the Student-Affiliate-Partner Process that is available to students of Alex Mandossian.
The typical process takes three years. Some do it in less time – the shortest so far is 3 weeks. By taking action on what I learned in Teleseminar Secrets I was able to do it in 3 quarters and now Alex Mandossian and I are Strategic Alliance Partners.
On Wednesday night March 25th at 6pm PT/9pm ET Alex and I will be holding our second Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar.
Click here to get the Phone number and Passcode and you may tell up to two friends. You can also and enter #AMTClub … even if you’re not registered with Twitter.
What’s an Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar? An Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar is something Alex invented where he gives his affiliate commission back to you at the time of purchase.
My promise that Article Marketing provides you with is this: The 5 success factors faster, easier and with less overall human effort.
You can check out the offer now at and be one of the first 101 to come on board – actually one of the first 100 to come on board as Alex is joining as the the first one!
The first 100 to come on board will become part of special group that will meet with me for 4 special additional strategy sessions to jump start your results.
And use the same link to get your Dial – In Details and join us on Wednesday night March 25th – 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern
And just to sweeten the pot a little bit, the first 45 that come on board before Wednesday night’s call will get access to over 10 hours of Article Writing & Marketing Secrets video training once they have paid their first month’s dues.
Once you have signed up, you can go to and enter #AMTClub in the window and follow what is happening with this special core group of Alex students in The AM Teleseminar Club.
And we’ll see you on the teleseminar Wednesday evening…
The AM TeleSeminar Club – 5 Success Factors
The typical process takes three years. Some do it in less time – the shortest so far is 3 weeks. By taking action on what I learned in Teleseminar Secrets I was able to do it in 3 quarters and now Alex Mandossian and I are Strategic Alliance Partners.
On Wednesday night March 25th at 6pm PT/9pm ET Alex and I will be holding our second Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar.
Click here to get the Phone number and Passcode and you may tell up to two friends. You can also and enter #AMTClub … even if you’re not registered with Twitter.
What’s an Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar? An Affiliate Rebate Teleseminar is something Alex invented where he gives his affiliate commission back to you at the time of purchase.
Our focus for this call will be The Article Marketing Teleseminar Club that I’ve created and what I call the 5 Success Factors on the Internet:
My promise that Article Marketing provides you with is this: The 5 success factors faster, easier and with less overall human effort.
You can check out the offer now at and be one of the first 101 to come on board – actually one of the first 100 to come on board as Alex is joining as the the first one!
The first 100 to come on board will become part of special group that will meet with me for 4 special additional strategy sessions to jump start your results.
And use the same link to get your Dial – In Details and join us on Wednesday night March 25th – 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern
And just to sweeten the pot a little bit, the first 45 that come on board before Wednesday night’s call will get access to over 10 hours of Article Writing & Marketing Secrets video training once they have paid their first month’s dues.
Once you have signed up, you can go to and enter #AMTClub in the window and follow what is happening with this special core group of Alex students in The AM Teleseminar Club.
And we’ll see you on the teleseminar Wednesday evening…
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