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Watch This If Confused About “Social Networks”
By Alex Mandossian
As Lee LeFever says at the beginning of this great 1 minute, 48 second video: “Networks get things done.”
In less than two minutes, he clearly describes how networks evolve and why they’re so important to us in our personal and professional lives.
I really admire teachers who can reduce complicated concepts to their simple essence. This video is easy to understand and I encourage you to pass it along to others who may be still be confused by the “social networking” revolution.
If you look up the term, Social Network, in Wikipedia, here are the most help 250 words you’ll find in their very detailed definition:
Social networks are social structures made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, relationships, kinship, dislikes or trade.
In its simplest form, a social network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines.
Just for fun, see if you can correctly answer these 5 questions to the Social NetworkingPop Quiz I’ve listed below. I recently added this quiz to my new Internet Optimization Secrets training series I’m conducting with Tony Robbins.
NOTE: All of the answers are my opinion based on my own experiences, so it is OK with me if you disagree with some of the answers I provide in the Reply Section of this blog post ;-)
1) Which type of website should you publish first, if you currently don’t have an online presence?
(a) Portal Site
(b) Blog
(c) Membership Site
(d) Catalog Site
2) Which “social media” networking site is the fastest growing and easiest to monetize for most marketers?
(a) Facebook
(b) MySpace
(c) Orkut
(d) Plaxo
3) Which “social media” video site is the biggest and most time-tested to attract new website traffic?
(a) Jumpcut
(b) Revver
(c) Daily Motion
(d) YouTube
4) Which “micro-blog” platform works best to spread your marketing reach by attracting new followers?
(a) Jaiku
(b) Pownce
(c) Twitter
(d) Tumblr
5) Which “blogging” software is the most widely utilized platform among self-hosted blogs?
(a) Typepad
(b) WordPress
(c) Movable Type
(d) Blogger
What To Do Now: Click on the GOLD BOX at the upper-right of his post and get the POP QUIZ ANSWERS I’ve provided in Comment #1. And again, thanks for reading my blog.
Watch This If Confused About “Social Networks”
In less than two minutes, he clearly describes how networks evolve and why they’re so important to us in our personal and professional lives.
I really admire teachers who can reduce complicated concepts to their simple essence. This video is easy to understand and I encourage you to pass it along to others who may be still be confused by the “social networking” revolution.
If you look up the term, Social Network, in Wikipedia, here are the most help 250 words you’ll find in their very detailed definition:
Social networks are social structures made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, relationships, kinship, dislikes or trade.
In its simplest form, a social network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines.
Just for fun, see if you can correctly answer these 5 questions to the Social Networking Pop Quiz I’ve listed below. I recently added this quiz to my new Internet Optimization Secrets training series I’m conducting with Tony Robbins.
NOTE: All of the answers are my opinion based on my own experiences, so it is OK with me if you disagree with some of the answers I provide in the Reply Section of this blog post ;-)
1) Which type of website should you publish first, if you currently don’t have an online presence?
(a) Portal Site
(b) Blog
(c) Membership Site
(d) Catalog Site
2) Which “social media” networking site is the fastest growing and easiest to monetize for most marketers?
(a) Facebook
(b) MySpace
(c) Orkut
(d) Plaxo
3) Which “social media” video site is the biggest and most time-tested to attract new website traffic?
(a) Jumpcut
(b) Revver
(c) Daily Motion
(d) YouTube
4) Which “micro-blog” platform works best to spread your marketing reach by attracting new followers?
(a) Jaiku
(b) Pownce
(c) Twitter
(d) Tumblr
5) Which “blogging” software is the most widely utilized platform among self-hosted blogs?
(a) Typepad
(b) WordPress
(c) Movable Type
(d) Blogger
What To Do Now: Click on the GOLD BOX at the upper-right of his post and get the POP QUIZ ANSWERS I’ve provided in Comment #1. And again, thanks for reading my blog.
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