Article Marketing is the best free way to drive traffic to your web sites and blogs. And when you use the five steps below, you will know what topics to write more about to drive even more traffic.
Step 1: Log into your account
In your EzineArticles account you can use the feedback on your articles to let you know what your readers want more of. Once you know this you can write more articles on those topics to drive more traffic.
Step 2: Click on “Author Tools”
It’s in between Profile Manager and Author Resources. Click on “Author Tools”. You’re going to get a drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on “View My Article Reports”
When you click on “View My Article Reports”, you can see the Article ID, Article Title, Views, URL Clicks, EzinePublisher, Comments, Votes, Rating, and Publication Date. What you want to pay attention to – the things that turn into money – are the Views and the URL Clicks.
Step 4: “Read the street”
“Read the street” means pay attention to what’s going on. Pay attention to these numbers. When you “read the street” and look at the numbers there, you’ll be able to see the most viewed articles and the articles with the most click thrus.
Step 5: Write more articles about most viewed/clicked thru articles
Pay attention, folks, because your market is telling you. They are voting every time they view and click-through an article. They are voting and telling you what they want to know about what they’re interested in. Pay attention to the ones that get the most traffic. Write more articles around that topic, and there you go. You’re going to get more traffic.
And to get you started writing more articles in less time to create more traffic, you can claim your Free Instant Access to my 7 Tips Instant Article Creation Template when you visit
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