On September 4th of this year, I flew in my marketing Team for a one day planning meeting.
There we were, sitting in my dining room waiting to eat lunch when Eric Lingenfelter, my web development director, asked this interesting question:
“What’s the world’s greatest ‘squeeze’ page?”
I thought about it. My other team members thought about it. We eventually went around the table with rapid-fire attempts to give the right answer.
But to every answer Eric kept shaking his head smiling and saying, “Nope, nope, nope, nope …” until I finally asked him what he thought was the world’s greatest squeeze page.
“The world’s greatest ‘squeeze’ page is …
Drum roll …
Take a guess …
Oh, c’mon … take a guess …
After you make your guess, grab your mouse and click ->->->
That’s right … Facebook has the world’s greatest “squeeze” page.
You can call it a home page. You can call it a squeeze page. Whatever you want to call it … it works!!
Just for kicks, let’s call it a Free Membership Squeeze page. That’s what it is, isn’t it?
Look, what is Facebook asking you to do? They’re asking for your First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Gender (M/F) and Birthday.
Facebook is the world’s biggest and fastest growing social networking platform because it has the world’s greatest squeeze page.
What if Facebook had a home page with a traditional sales letter or splash page that tried to convince you to opt-in, or get free membership, or give your birth date?
Wouldn’t a traditional landing page create a bottle-neck or obstacle that may have halted Facebook’s meteoric growth and opt-in rate?
I have no idea if you agree or disagree with me. But what I do know is that I’m starting to model Facebook’s Free Membership Squeeze Page concept.
You may have already seen it when I promote my Productivity Thursday training calls that consistent take place on the 1st Thursday of each month.
Before I started utilizing the Free Membership Squeeze page strategy, I had no consistent way to get students on the calls and the multiple call times caused confusion (9am Pacific, 5pm Pacific, 6pm Pacific).
After I started utilizing the Free Membership Squeeze page strategy, life is easier because not only do I get opt-ins, but I also get new Members!
These new Members get access to my Productivity Thursday Teleseminars (1st Thursday of month) with convenient notifications through our Members Area.
The Point: The point of this post is not just to encourage you to model the Facebook squeeze page. My point is to open your marketing consciousness to new possibilities of techniques, templates and tactics that have right under your nose all along.
What To Do Now: Please comment on this post and let me know if you agree or disagree that Facebook has the #1 world’s greatest and most effective squeeze page.
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