The list I want to reveal to you this Thanksgiving Day is my Gratitude List of 101 Teachers who have influenced my life and reminded me of the importance of being a lifelong learner.
This partial list is alphabetized by first name. Many of my Teachers are still living and some have passed on.
I consider this a “partial” Gratitude List because I’m absolutely certain that I’ve overlooked lots of people who have had deep influences on my personal and professional life. Forgive me if you are one of those people.
If you’ve taught me something, but don’t see your name on the list, again please forgive my oversight and help me complete my list by commenting & sharing what you feel you’ve taught me.
Sound fair enough?
My purpose in sharing my 101 Teachers list is for you to create your own. I encourage you to make a list of your Teachers and share it publicly as a declaration … just like I did.
The simple act of writing the names and what you’ve learned will put a smile on your face and make you feel great.
To see my list of 101 Teachers, click here –>
This list 101 Teachers is alphabetized to the best of my ability by first name. Each Teacher appears without any order of importance, but you can look at this list as having a one-hundred-and-one way tie for First Place :-)
- Abby Koniaris for teaching me what loyalty and commitment really means
- Aimee Mandossian for teaching me family-centered entrepreneurship
- Albert Einstein for teaching me to favor imagination over knowledge
- Albert Lasker for teaching me the significance of salesmanship in print
- Armand Morin for teaching me how to fill seminar rooms with Teleseminars
- Bilaal Rajan for teaching me that wild success is possible at any age
- Berny Dohrmann for teaching me the power of Sequencing my business growth
- Bill Glazer for teaching me never to confuse activities with accomplishments
- Blair Singer for teaching me the power of mastering my little voice within
- Bob Proctor for teaching me the importance for early morning review
- Bob Stone for teaching me the importance of supporting claims with evidence
- Bonnie Bruderer for teaching me the “What I appreciate most about you” game
- Breanna Mandossian for teaching me how a warrier-princess can be under 4 feet tall
- Bruce Barton for teaching me how to capture attention using parables in copy
- Buckminster Fuller for teaching me how great discoveries are uncovered by mistake
- Carol Mandossian for teaching me the power of Giving to friends and family
- Chet Holmes for teaching me the influence and power of persistent follow-up
- Claude Hopkins for teaching me how to craft a pre-emptive marketing advantage
- Clyde Bedell for teaching me how to isolate magic words in all my ad messages
- Dale Carnegie for teaching me to always start a story with a “specific incident”
- Dan Kennedy for teaching me the importance of making millionaires out of others
- Dan Safkow for teaching me how precision and thoroughness creates great partnerships
- Dan Sullivan for teaching me to focus on obstacles before identifying strategies
- Dave Ellis for teaching me the importance for becoming a world-class teacher
- Dave Lakhani for teaching me that persuasion lasts when done with relaxed intensity
- Dave Stech teaching me how finding six other people can transform any life
- David Ogilvy for teaching me how to attract interest with a repeated theme
- Deborah Rozman for teaching me the importance of heart-centered performance
- Deborah Shaw for teaching me how reputations are based on paying attention to details
- Dolan Gadoury for teaching me how it’s the little things make the biggest difference
- Eben Pagan for teaching me the importance of hiring only self-motivated Stars
- Eric Lingenfelter for teaching me why “Forgive me” has more power than “I’m sorry”
- Eugene Schwartz for teaching me how to channel demand utilizing “connectivity”
- Frank Kern for teaching me how critically important it is to never, ever, ever give up
- Gabriel Mandossian for teaching me that Humility can have impact at any age
- Gay Hendricks for teaching me the significance of the “donkey smuggler” story
- George Mandossian for teaching me to recite and speak publicly in front of crowds
- Greg Link for teaching me that a leader can be both supportive and indispensable
- Harv Eker for teaching me that getting what I want first means knowing what I want
- Ivan Misner for teaching to be a “host” not just a “participant” when networking
- Jack Canfield for teaching me the power of The Rule of Five in business and in life
- Janet Attwood for teaching me the power of declaring my passion in public
- Jay Abraham for teaching me to actively utilize the Strategy of Pre-eminence
- Jay Conrad Levinson for teaching me how many tactics are always better than one
- Jeff Johnson for teaching me how product bundling can double my Affiliate profits
- Jeff Walker for teaching me that the product launch date is always a moving target
- Jim Bunch for teaching how improving my environment can produce a brighter future
- Joe Polish for teaching me that it’s not who I know, but who knows me that counts most
- Joe Sugarman for teaching me the Triggers to amplify the influence of my sales copy
- Joe Vitale for teaching me how publicity stunts make my marketing more memorable
- John Assaraf for teaching me to find people who play at the things that I have work at
- Jon Butcher for teaching me that if my life is worth living then it’s worth writing about
- John Caples for teaching me the formula to writing headlines with more pulling-power
- John Carlton for teaching me how to add more impact to my copywriting bullets
- John Carpenter Dealey for teaching me the power of creating a Master Mind Group
- John Childers for teaching me how to structure a speech that sells from the stage
- John Gray for teaching me that my spouse can’t make me happy … only happier
- John E. Kennedy for teaching me the persuasive power of reason why copy
- John Powers for teaching me to never sacrifice honesty when writing sales copy
- John Reese for teaching me the importance of YES or NO and MORE or LESS
- John Yeck for teaching me how to empathetically see my reader’s point of view
- Larry Benet for teaching me that connecting others can lead to powerful trialogues
- Lee Brower for teaching me strategies to assist my students to overcome recidivism
- Leo Burnett for teaching me to uncover the inherent drama within every product
- Lisa Nichols for teaching me the power of adopting the No Matter What heart-set
- Lucia Smigel for teaching me to never apologize for demanding excellence in others
- Keith Cunningham for teaching me the power and influence of eatin’ my own cookin’
- Ken Blanchard for teaching me to praise others when I catch them doing things right
- Marci Shimoff for teaching me that Happiness can be passed on to many generations
- Marcus Buckingham for teaching me to strengthen my strengths, not my weaknesses
- Marianne Williamson for teaching me that whenever I bless others, I’ll feel more blessed
- Mark Victor Hansen for teaching me how Thinking BIG can be irresistible to others
- Matt Bacak for teaching me the power of Strategy Session in business and in life
- Maxwell Ross for teaching me to list my reader’s interests before I start to write
- Napoleon Hill for teaching me how interviewing thought leaders can lead to riches
- Nathaniel Branden for teaching me to favor experiences over explanations
- Noah St. John for teaching me the power behind why afformations work faster
- Patrick Gentempo for teaching me the power of purpose in business and in life
- Paul Colligan for teaching me how to lean into the astonishing power of Syndication
- Paul Scheele for teaching me that learning how to learn defines the teacher I become
- Phineas Taylor Barnum for teaching me how showmanship can draw a crowd
- Raymond Rubicam for teaching me the power of “impact” in ad communications
- Rick Raddatz for teaching me how a handshake can be equal to a 50-page contract
- Rick Sapio for teaching me that my Not To Do list will always trump my To Do list
- Robert Collier for teaching me how to command desire through public curiosity
- Robert Schuller for teaching me how big achievement is preceded by simple planning
- Rosser Reeves for teaching me the importance of the Unique Selling Proposition
- Roy Williams for teaching me how the risk of insult is the price of clarity
- Scott Martineau for teaching me that business growth is also spiritual growth
- Seth Godin for teaching me the power of permission-based online marketing
- Shirley Polykoff for teaching me the importance of conducting motivation research
- Stephen M.R. Covey for teaching me how Trust is best marketing lubricant
- Stephen Josephs for teaching me to keep learning, even after I think I know it all
- Stephen Pierce for teaching me the importance of identifying a micro-niche
- Stu McLaren for teaching me that a Reunion is critical after a Teleseminar series
- Sue Morter for teaching me to say “Yes, I Am” to once unimaginable possibilities
- Tony Alessandra for teaching me to maintain by income, but work less
- Theodore MacManus for teaching me the rewards of the soft-sell copywriting style
- Vishen Lakhiani for teaching me the importance of keeping a Gratitude Log
- William Bernbach for teaching me how truth-telling can be a competitive advantage
Well there you have it – my the list of 101 Teachers I’m most grateful for this Thanksgiving Day.
I have no doubt I’ve failed to list many dozens or even hundreds of Teachers who have impacted my life. If you’re one of them, please comment & share what you’ve taught me in the Comment Box below.
What To Do Now: Make your own list of Teachers. Do as I did. I started with 10, then it went to 25. Then 50 … and then I had to make one hundred and one.
I suppose I could write a 1001 Teachers list, but that would be a topic for a new book, so I’ll leave it to 101 for now :-)
For now, I’ll simply leave you with two words: Happy Thanksgiving.
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