Most entrepreneurs think it’s difficult to attract more targeted website or blog visitors.
But I’ve found that the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to draw in monetizable traffic is through authentic testimonials.
Click here if you’re in a big hurry right now so you can watch the video and then comment and share with your friends and colleagues.
One of the best ways to draw in new website traffic is to do what I call the Sandwich Video Testimonial. That’s where you give an authentic, meaningful endorsement to a thought leader or teacher who typically has more monthly website traffic than you do.
I recently taught this methodology at a CEO Space class on the main stage, so if you’ve got 2 minutes, 44 seconds to view the video I’m talking about, just click here and comment and share.
What To Do Now: Please watch this video and then comment and share on your Facebook Fan Page, Twitter pages or blog. Thanks for reading this post.
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