As the new year is creeping up on us, it makes sense to start thinking about your high-concept goals (resolutions) for 2011. My “high-concept” goal has a lot to do with a little-known quote by Socrates.
(I reveal the quote in the “Comments” section at the bottom of the post … and in case you’re wondering who the person is pictured to your left … it is Socrates).
My good friend Darren Hardy is the publisher of Success Magazine and on page 72 of his new book, The Compound Effect, he reveals an immutable truth about goal-setting that’s worth exploring. He writes:
“When most people set out to achieve new goals, they ask, ‘Okay, I have my goal; now what do I need to DO to get it?’ It’s not a bad question, but it’s not the first question that needs to be addressed either.
The question we should be asking ourselves is: ‘Who do I need to become?’ You probably know some people who seem to do all the right things, but still don’t produce the results they want, right?”
I completely agree with Darren. Like the defining moment when [Read more…]