Would you like to know how to build an information empire faster, easier and with less over all human effort?
Then repurposing is the key to making one idea many and building your information empire far faster than with generating one information product at a time.
Take a bedtime story for example. Most parents have read their kids bedtime stories (and oftentimes it′s the same one over and over). The information empire equivalent of a bedtime story is an audio CD.
It′s you reading your book. And when you read your book, you end up giving a bedtime story that has the same affect. Everyone enjoys being read to.
On any long trip, I drive with some kind of powerful information coming out of the car speakers. While driving I can’t read a book, but I sure can listen to and enjoy one on CD.
If not a CD, then repurpose into MP3 download. No matter what the format, all you need to do is read your book.
Articles are another great way to repurpose your content. You can create eight to 12 new articles from a sixty minute teleseminar and then spread each one all over the internet, acting as a 24/7 international “article agent” for you.
Other repurposing ideas include blogs, e-zines and websites. Every person should start with a blog or an eZine. I prefer a blog because it′s so easy to put up, especially with WordPress. This is the type of blog I have.
It′s so simple to create a blog. In fact, a blog should be your first website. Google and other search engines love blogs. They consume blogs voraciously because of the new content.
The name of the game is getting your content and message to as many different markets as possible through repurposing.
Bottom Line: Use repurposing to spread your message faster and farther.
How are you repurposing your content? Tell me in the Facebook comments section below. I would love to read some of your examples. Thank you!
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