Your target market typically supports what it helps to create. Getting your prospects and customers involved early on in any marketing campaign with online surveys, Ask campaigns or blog comments will help you build marketing momentum and expand your market reach.
In my 21+ years of marketing experience, I know of 3 types customer feedback that provide you social proof. They are endorsements, testimonials and case studies.
When you reach out for an endorsement, testimonial or case study, you automatically impact the sustainability and organic (word-of-mouth) growth of your business.
Ever since I began my electronic marketing career in 1988, I’ve seen a lot confusion how endorsements, testimonials and case studies can add credibility to your business and product lines.
Endosements vs. Testimonials vs. Case Studies
In my 21+ years of marketing experience, I know of 3 types customer feedback that provide you social proof. They are endorsements, testimonials and case studies.
When you reach out for an endorsement, testimonial or case study, you automatically impact the sustainability and organic (word-of-mouth) growth of your business.
Ever since I began my electronic marketing career in 1988, I’ve seen a lot confusion how endorsements, testimonials and case studies can add credibility to your business and product lines.
Many marketers use these [Read more…]