A recent article featured on Entrepreneur.com by author Ann Handley illustrates how businesses can generate more leads simply by increasing the ability and ease for users to share content across their social networks. I believe the advice given in the article can be extremely helpful to businesses regardless of their size, age, and target audience. Here are a few blurbs from the article that I want to point out to you:
“Because a clear way to generate and nurture leads is to create content: a blog and maybe an e-book and a Twitter stream and so on. But it’s pointless (and lonely!) to write a blog that gets no visitors and zero comments–and, consequently, affords no traction for your lead-gen efforts. Websites that facilitate sharing generate seven times more mentions online than those that don’t” (Source).
In her article, Ann Handley uses a few recent studies to point out how powerful social share buttons can be, in relation to lead generation, when effectively placed on websites.
“Nearly 54 percent of the largest 10,000 websites now display social sharing links or buttons for one or more of the four major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linked- In) on their homepages. That level is up from 52.8 percent one month earlier” (Source).
The research presented in the article clearly shows that more businesses and brands are utilizing the power of people and their social networks in order to get the word out about their products, and as an effective way to generate leads. Another interesting blurb from the article:
“Facebook and Twitter dominate the social real estate on the homepages of top sites: 50.3 percent of the largest 10,000 sites on the web display Facebook links or plug-ins, up from 49.5 percent one month earlier, while 42.5 percent include Twitter links, up from 42.4 percent” (Source).
Also included with this batch of statistics was the following visual:
Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220720
To get a few tips from the author on how create content that is worth sharing, read the full article here.
Do you have social share buttons on your site? Have you noticed a change in traffic or in the amount of leads you have been getting? Leave a comment for me in the Facebook Comments section below. Thanks!
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