![]() Terri Sjodin |
If you’re a marketing professional who wants more impact in your business by utilizing a powerful “elevator speech” from scratch, take time to listen to this remarkable interview.
The Internet's First Blog For Information Marketers
![]() Terri Sjodin |
If you’re a marketing professional who wants more impact in your business by utilizing a powerful “elevator speech” from scratch, take time to listen to this remarkable interview.
![]() Rebecca Rengo |
During this 1-hour Virtual Book Tour, Rebecca Rengo tells the story behind her book, Beyond Chronic Pain. The book’s promise is “A get-well guidebook to soothe the body, mind and spirit.”
Click here to add this book to your library.
Article marketing has recession-proofed my online businesses. I know that is a big claim, and lots of people are talking about how to recession-proof your business right now.
Read on to discover how to really do it with Article Marketing and the article-a-day strategy. Here are 7 ways an article-a-day can recession-proof your business:
1. Extend your reach – I like to call my articles my “international evergreen article agents.”
My articles allow me to reach all over the world into many markets that I could not have reached in any other way. And they are evergreen, which means they are out there forever, delivering good information with links back to my websites and blogs.
For example, just one of my articles published online in August of 2005 still receives an average of [Read more…]
![]() Mark Tewart |
During this 1-hour Virtual Book Tour, Mark Tewart tells the story behind his book, How To Be A Sales Superstar. The book’s promise is “Break all the Rules and Succeed While Doing It.”
Click here to add this book to your library.
Whether you want to improve your marketing communications with the spoken or written word, I believe one formula – The Magic Formula – is your fastest, easiest and most reliable tool to influence more prospects and customers.
The Magic Formula was first developed by Dale Carnegie and in three simple steps it’s everything you need to know to become an incredibly poised, polished and masterful communicator – online or offline!
Here’s the formula in its simplest form:
STEP 1: Incident – What specific incident inspired the purpose surrounding of your topic?
STEP 2: Action – What specific action do you want your listener/reader to take?
STEP 3: Benefit – What specific benefits will your listeners/readers gain as a result of taking action?
It doesn’t matter if you’ve read How To Win Friends And Influence People or if you want to become a professional speaker. Carnegie’s Magic Formula is time-tested to hold any audience’s attention from the first time you utilize it.
The formula is practical communication tool that ensures immediate action taken by your listeners/readers. Make it your secret to begin to dramatically improve the pulling-power of your websites, teleseminars and online videos.
You’ll be surprised and even thrilled by how frequently you find yourself reaching for this powerful technique to help you achieve your goals faster and boost the impact of your personal influence.
![]() Jim Loehr
During this 1-hour Virtual Book Tour, Jim reveals the story behind his book, The Power of Story.
This remarkable book’s promise is “Rewriting Your Destiny in Business and in Life”.
Click here to add this book to your library.
In his groundbreaking new book, Dr. Jim Loehr, New York Times bestselling co-author of The Power of Full Engagement, examines the way we tell stories about ourselves to ourselves.
“When you change your story, you will transform your business and personal life,” writes Dr. Loehr.
Click here to get free instant access to my Virtual Book Tour (VBT) on The Power of Story with Jim Loehr and be sure you also tell a friend or colleague whom you feel needs to rewrite their story ;-)
Because I’ve devoured his new book – 3 times – I want you to eavesdrop in on this VBT and hear me grill Jim on these fascinating topics:
Page 39: “Why the premise of your story becomes the purpose of your life…”
Page 74: “What the “Because I Can” syndrome is and how it can cripple you!”
Page 122: “The 2 voices of storytellers – which one most likely requires rewriting…” <– This is a biggee!
Page 137: “How the 3 rules of storytelling can change your life forever!”
Page 155: “Why multi-tasking depletes your energy and lowers productivity…”
And much, much more!
Request: Click here to get free instant access to this event and please choose to participate in our worldwide “ASK” campaign.
Just type-in a “Yes please” or “No thanks” in the Q&A Box (at the bottom of the page) to indicate if you’d like me to conduct a 5-Module Teleseminar Series with Dr. Loehr in the future. Many thanks!
For the past 21 months, I’ve been looking into how I might assist Entrepreneurial CEOs in North America to transform their business dreams into reality … faster, better and with less effort.
On October 3rd at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern, my co-founding partner of SmartStartGiving, Linda Lopeke, and I recorded our first of three Teleseminars to launch the “Mandossian $2.7 million giveaway.”
Click here if you missed this history-making Teleseminar and remember to visit SmartStartGiving.org so you can read about our first of three rounds of winners.
So what does it mean to extend the reach of your articles?
Extending the reach of your articles simply means to get your articles in front of as many eyes as possible … in as many consumable forms as possible.
Let’s take a closer look at three powerful strategies for doing just that:
1. EzineArticles + Twitter = More Exposure – If you are an info marketer who wants to extend the reach of your articles, then set-up your EzineArticles account to automatically post your approved and published articles to your Twitter profile.
You set this up by going into your Author’s Area at EzineArticles, then your Profile Manger, and then Edit Your Author Bio. In the fields provided enter your Twitter user name and pass word.
Now each time one of your new articles is approved and published at EzineArticles, an announcement will automatically be posted to your Twitter profile. In this way you are [Read more…]
readers |
Copyright © 2025 Alex Mandossian
What Happens When You Just Market? Nothing!
Watch this video (above) if you want to once-and-for-all discover why your marketing skills are not enough.
If you want to monetize your presentations faster, better and easier, then it pays to learn how to develop and more effectively utilize your promotional skills.
Promoters are the “rainmakers” of the business world because they have the ability influence their most skeptical prospects to take action (by voting with their wallets) and become loyal customers.
The video above will take just 12 minutes out of your day, but what you discover may change your presentation style (and annual income) forever.
Take a look at the video now and then please give me your feedback in the comment section (below).