What is Web Conversion?
Conversion is the percentage of people converting from one phase to another. Are visitors converting to leads or to orders or to action?
Your goal is to get your suspect to become an evangelist as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
Conversion Ratios
The biggest mistake people make is that they attempt to leapfrog the suspect over the prospect to become a customer. This is something that doesn′t happen overnight.
The biggest mistake people make is that they attempt to leapfrog the suspect over the prospect to become a customer. This is something that doesn′t happen overnight.A good conversion rate for converting a suspect to a prospect is 50%.
Conversion from prospect to customer is much lower. 2% is fantastic. 1.5% is fantastic. The percentages will all depend on the dollar price of the item.
Converting a Suspect to Prospect
Have you ever talked to a salesperson, such as a car or insurance salesman who “vomits” information on you without finding out a thing about you?
Instead of vomiting on my suspects, I have developed over the years something called the “shy yes” page. It′s the page where I get my first yes; it helps visitors make the first decision.
Visitor Value
Visitor value is the other part of the equation. If 100 people come to a site and one converts to a sale of your $100 product, then 1% gives you $100 or a $1 visitor value. One hundred visitors divided by $100 is $1 visitor value.
Visitor value is the other part of the equation. If 100 people come to a site and one converts to a sale of your $100 product, then 1% gives you $100 or a $1 visitor value. One hundred visitors divided by $100 is $1 visitor value.
One hundred visitors divided by the value of $50 with 5% conversion is only a 50 cent visitor value, half as much but five times the conversion rate.
Do you see how visitor value has everything to do with a combination of conversion and the price of the offer?
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