Almost every entrepreneur I know begins doing business with a daily ritual.
Many of my colleagues read of the local newspaper. Others watch the morning news on CNN. And many others simply close their eyes and meditate for about 20 minutes.
I have no idea what you do or if you even have a daily ritual, but today I want to “part the curtain” on what I believe is the single most important activity I do to start my day.
It’s a simple 20-minute business ritual that inspires and motivates me to face any business challenge head-on and helps me to generate new ideas and innovations with little effort.
My Morning Ritual: At about 7:30am (Pacific Time) , I grab my PC mouse, fire-up my browser and punch-in [Read more…]
7 Reasons to Repurpose Twitter Articles
With that notion in mind, here are the Top 7 Reasons to Repurpose Your Articles on Twitter
1. Extends Your Reach – Extending your reach means to get your marketing message and influence in front of as many eyes as possible. When you publicize your articles on Twitter, you are not only reaching those who are following you, you are also reaching everyone that follows each person who follows you – your reach rapidly multiplies.
2. It’s Helpful – When you are having conversations there and you see a question where one of your articles could help, you are being very helpful to someone when you refer them to you article(s). How’s that for upping the “know, like and trust” factor.
3. Ups Your Expert Status – Mentioning your articles and using them to answer questions increases your [Read more…]